Who We Are


Nominated Individual / Registered Manager 21 – Mark Peard

The Director of the company, Mark Peard, has a wealth of experience in the care industry, both at the 'coal face' and in senior/executive management positions.

He held senior management positions for a number of years, supporting staff teams to work effectively with service users, ensuring compliance with care regulators and sound communications between families and professionals. He is the holder of a Registered Managers Award, and is intrinsically involved in the day to day running of the Home, supported by a team of experienced, dedicated care and support staff.

Mark has worked in the care industry for over 20 years in a variety of positions. He is a holder of the Registered Manager award, and NVQ's level 3 and 4 in care. He has a great deal of experience in working with people with SEBD and autism. Mark has a long background of working in the Plymouth community with various target groups, and a wide range of vulnerability. Prior to his social care journey 11 years were spent working for the YMCA in Plymouth, delivering health, fitness, and recreational activities both in the community and at their various centres. Mark was also an instrumental figure in establishing a programme of parenting education and support activities designed to enhance relationships within the family environment. After a successful local pilot this scheme received widespread acclaim and funding from the Home Office, and was implemented in a number of communities throughout England and Wales, including professional football clubs.


Registered Manager at Parkview - Malcolm Sandercock

Malcolm started his career in the care sector in 2005, supporting young people up the age of 19 with social,  emotional and behavioural difficulties, autistic traits and other wide range of conditions.  In 2008 Malcolm moved into a senior role within a children's home . 
Malcolm stated at Iota Care as a house leader in 2012 before becoming Registered Manager in 2019. Malcolm holds the level 5 diploma, as well as the Registered Manager award .


Registered Manager at No 19 Respite House - Rowanne Treanor

Rowanne has worked in the care industry for the last 15 years in a variety of different settings, and has worked at Iota Care for nearly 6 years, working across both homes and our offsite placements. She holds a NVQ level 4 in health and social care and am currently working towards completing her level 5 in Leadership and Management.

Staff and Associates

Iota Care believes that having well trained, supported and knowledgeable staff is the key to ensuring an holistic care and support service to its Service Users. All staff receive a thorough induction process, meaningful supervision and mentoring, and targeted learning; enhancing their understanding of autism, awareness of new schools of thought and concepts for enhancing effective working with and development of the Service Users.